Welcome to Adirondack Zombie Hunters LLC
Military Grade Shooting Range Simulators,
Survival Gear,
Airsoft Supplies
& More!
Military Grade Shooting Range Simulators,
Survival Gear,
Airsoft Supplies
& More!
The DEAD walk among us as we lie on the verge of the ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE, But Never Fear! ADIRONDACK ZOMBIE HUNTERS LLC has everything you need to prepare yourself,
including survival gear, military surplus and a whole lot more! ADKZH also features brand new, cutting edge, Military Grade Milo Range Shooting Simulators that offer the most realistic training experience available without going to a live fire facility. It's a safe, fun way to increase your marksmanship skills and be ready when the time comes. So gear up, and help us keep the ZOMBIE HORDE at bay!!! The future of the world depends on you!
Follow us on Facebook for Specials and Promotions
Hone in your skills at our state of the art, military grade shooting range simulators that offer the most realistic experience possible without going to a live fire range. A safe and fun way to improve your marksmanship, judgment, and response time with a broad selection of scenarios including competitive duals, trap shooting, skill builders, traditional target ranges and of course...SWARMS OF ZOMBIES!!!
Get everything you need to be ready when the dead come knocking at your door. ADKZH offers a wide variety of outdoor & survival products including tools, cutlery, military surplus, airsoft supplies, air guns, camping gear & more from trusted quality brands like SOG, Benjamin, Crosman, Leapers UTG, Z Hunter, Tac Assault & United Cutlery.
Preperation is the key to survival, and Adirondack Zombie Hunters has everything you need for Zombie Apocalypse survival. Gather your crew, stop in, and get ready!
Click the Link to Join The Adirondack Outbreak Survival Coalition
A Facebook Group Dedicated To Emergency Planning & Survival
578 Aviation Road Ste 26, Queensbury, New York 12804, United States
This Attraction is Intended for Mature Audiences.
Children Under 18 Years of Age MUST Be Accompanied By a Responsible Adult